Turkesterone: The Natural Anabolic Alternative

Turkesterone: The Natural Anabolic Alternative


What is Turkesterone?

Turkesterone is a naturally occurring ecdysteroid found in plants like Ajuga turkestanica and some other members of the ecdysteroid family. Ecdysteroids are substances that plants produce as part of their defense mechanisms against insect pests. In the fitness and bodybuilding world, Turkesterone has been gaining traction due to its potential anabolic effects, which can enhance muscle growth and physical performance without the side effects associated with synthetic steroids.

Overview of its popularity, especially in Australia

In Australia, Turkesterone has become particularly popular among athletes and fitness enthusiasts seeking legal and safer alternatives to anabolic steroids. The supplement market in Australia has seen a significant rise in the demand for Turkesterone, reflecting a global trend towards natural health products that support physical performance and muscle growth.

Understanding Turkesterone

Definition and chemical nature

Turkesterone is classified as a phytosteroid, which means it is a plant-derived steroid that mimics some of the body’s own steroids, such as testosterone, albeit without directly influencing the body's endocrine system as anabolic steroids do.

Comparison with traditional anabolic steroids

Unlike traditional anabolic steroids, Turkesterone does not bind to androgen receptors and therefore does not produce the range of side effects associated with steroid use, such as hormonal imbalances and liver damage. This makes it a compelling option for those looking to enhance their physical capabilities naturally.

Turkesterone in Australia

Availability and legal status

In Australia, Turkesterone is available as a dietary supplement and is legal to use. It can be purchased online or in health food stores across the country, often marketed as a natural muscle builder. You can purchase turkesterone from our store through this link: Aether Protein Turkesterone.

Popularity among Australian fitness enthusiasts

The appeal of Turkesterone in Australia lies in its ability to provide muscle growth and strength gains without the legal and health risks linked to steroids. Australian bodybuilders and athletes frequently turn to Turkesterone to help them achieve their fitness goals safely.

Is Turkesterone a Steroid?

Scientific breakdown of its chemical structure

Turkesterone shares a similar structure to the hormones produced by the human adrenal glands, but it is not a true steroid hormone. It belongs to the group of ecdysteroids, known for their role in arthropod development and reproduction.

Explanation of why it's not considered a traditional steroid

Despite its steroid-like structure, Turkesterone does not interact with the human steroid hormone receptors, meaning it does not exhibit the hormonal side effects that synthetic steroids do, thus categorizing it as a non-steroidal anabolic agent.

Benefits of Turkesterone

Muscle growth and protein synthesis

Turkesterone is believed to enhance muscle growth by increasing protein synthesis in the body. This makes it an attractive supplement for those looking to increase muscle mass and improve body composition.

Enhanced physical performance and recovery

Users of Turkesterone report enhanced endurance, reduced fatigue, and faster recovery times after exercise, making it popular among athletes and bodybuilders for its performance-enhancing properties.

Dosage Guidelines for Turkesterone

Recommended dosages for optimal results

The typical dosage of Turkesterone varies depending on the concentration of the product but generally ranges from 250 to 500 mg per day. As with any supplement, following the manufacturer's instructions or a healthcare provider's advice is essential for safe use.

Discussion on cycling and safe use

Cycling Turkesterone—taking it for periods followed by breaks—is often recommended to maximize its efficacy and minimize the risk of the body adapting to its effects, thus maintaining its benefit over time.


Recap of Turkesterone benefits

Turkesterone offers a natural, safer alternative to traditional anabolic steroids with compelling benefits for muscle growth, physical performance, and recovery. Its popularity in Australia reflects a broader global trend towards natural supplements that can provide steroid-like benefits without adverse effects.

Final thoughts on its use and future prospects

As research into Turkesterone and other ecdysteroids continues to evolve, the future looks promising for this natural compound. With increasing studies validating its benefits and safety, Turkesterone is poised to become a staple in the supplement regimens of athletes and fitness enthusiasts worldwide.



  1. Gorelick-Feldman, Jonathan et al. (2008). "Phytosteroids beyond estrogens: Regulators of reproductive and endocrine function in natural products." Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology. This study explores various phytosteroids, including ecdysteroids like Turkesterone, and their effects on biological systems. Read the study

  2. Dinan, L. (2001). "Phytoecdysteroids: biological aspects." Phytochemistry, 57(3), 325-339. This article provides detailed information on the biological activities of phytoecdysteroids such as Turkesterone, highlighting their potential benefits for human use. Read the study

  3. Toth, N., Szabo, A., Kacsala, P., Heger, J., & Zador, E. (2008). "20-Hydroxyecdysone increases fiber size in a muscle-specific fashion in rat." Phytomedicine, 15(9), 691-698. This research demonstrates the muscle growth potential of ecdysteroids, supporting the use of Turkesterone for muscle building and performance enhancement. Read the study

  4. Syrov, V. N., & Kurmukov, A. G. (1976). "Anabolic activity of phytoecdysone-ecdysterone isolated from Rhaponticum carthamoides (Willd.) Iljin." Farmakologiia I Toksikologiia, 39(6), 690-693. This historical study discusses the anabolic effects of ecdysterone, closely related to Turkesterone, indicating its potential for enhancing physical performance. 

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